Thursday, August 7, 2014



We can almost count on the weather to deliver moister around dinner time.  Tonight was no exception.  

The 'Zany Day' song this week seems to have baffled everyone.  How can that be?  Here's a little more for you:
"My Maseratti does one-eighty-five.  I lost my license, now I don't drive.  I have a limo, ride in the back.  I lock the doors in case I'm attacked... Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through.  I can't complain, but sometimes I still do.
__ __ __ to me so far."  Hint:  The artist was in a gang, then tried to walk away from the rocky mountain way.  This is a crazy look at the life of a rock star.   

For reasons that we don't quite understand, the direction of traffic was changed on one of the main streets around the main market.  Today we drove down one of the perimeter streets that it usually clogged with traffic and it was moving freely.  So, maybe the purpose of the direction change was to ease the flow in the most congested spot.  The nice thing, if there can be one, about when the street was crowded, was the opportunity for Lisa to jump out, get vegetables and return to the van before it had moved very far.  I know, not a good reason to keep a traffic jam.

Walking down the main business thoroughfare this morning, we couldn't help but notice the eye glass shops.  There were four within one block and two of them were part of the same franchise.  Hmm.

We just returned from dinner out at Boonrawd Farm.  They have a new restaurant that is farther up the hill from their old one, and much nicer.  The view of the landscape was stunning with views from every side.  It's a typical Thai design, with open sides so it feels like you're outside, enjoying the fresh breeze.  The heavy clouds muted the sunset, but it's something to look forward to after the rainy season.  Today's photo is from the restaurant.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"The world is changed by your example,
not by your opinion."
~Paulo Coelho

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