Tuesday, August 26, 2014



We probably didn't get rain today because the sky was tired after last night's storm.  The temps are a little cooler after the rain so that's a good thing.  I am officially done with the rainy season.  It can leave anytime.

I'm happy to see that a few of you got it together (hidden clue).  Here's the second verse of 'Easy Monday':
"If I should call you up, invest a dime, and you say you belong to me, and ease my mind.  Imagine how the world could be so very fine, so __ __.  I can't see me loving nobody but you for all my life.  When you're with me, baby the skies will be blue, for all my life..."

This morning we went downtown and did some walking on the 'tourist' main street.  The Pizza Company was empty, as was Swensen's Ice Cream, but a block away the basic Thai/Chinese place was packed with customers.  It was 10:30am, and by 11am everyone had cleared out.  Food is a very interesting thing here.  Meals are taken at all times of the day, as opposed to traditional times for breakfast lunch and dinner.  There are still those who eat at appointed hours, mainly dictated by work, but you can always find people eating.  Chiang Rai doesn't have a lot of what one would call 'fast food' places, unless you consider the mobile kitchens fast food.  It's just different.

There is a growing concern that articles predicting earthquakes in Chiang Rai and the surrounding area are keeping people away.  Earthquakes generally cannot be predicted, yet news stories continue to predict more in the coming weeks.  This has many merchants wondering why the press would do something that would scare off tourists, both domestic and foreign.  Tourism is a major portion of the commerce in the north.  One of the predictions that was published was attributed to a fortune teller.  Not much was said when the date of the coming quake passed and nothing happened, but the damage was done.  Hmm.  

Today the weather just teased us.  There were big patches of blue sky that shifted into dark clouds, and back again.  It was looking sunny in the early afternoon, and then at about the time it would be good to swim and get some sun, more dark clouds.  We think we've figured it out though.  If we get out before 3pm, we might have a chance.  (555)

The photo for today was taken on our road.  It was a slow ride home as we followed this rolling kitchen.  The guy was on the phone and nervous about going over the edge on the left.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Asking outer conditions to make us okay
will never bring happiness, because 
outer conditions are always changing."
~Sakyong Mipham

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