Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Chiang Rai experienced a sunny, hot day.  It's just what we needed to dry out a bit.  Of course, that didn't last long when the afternoon rain came.  While the sun was out we were out and about.

The 'Easy Monday' song was "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" by Crosby, Stills and Nash.  Who remembers this 'Zany Day' 
saga:  "Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.  He stood six-foot-six and weighed two-forty-five.  Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip, everybody knew you didn't give no lip to __ __, __ __, __ bad __, __ __."  Clue:  This is a story-song that won the Grammy for Best Country & Western song in 1962.  The two-word title includes the name of the main character in the song.  

Today's adventures began with lunch at Art Bridge.  When we got there the place was practically empty and hanging out in the restaurant was very peaceful.  We took some of Lisa's T-shirts to be sold in the gift shop, cruised through the gallery, after lunch and talked to Blue while he was at LAX preparing for his flight to Thailand.  He will arrive tomorrow (our Thursday) night.  

On our way to pick up the new studio sink we stopped at a nursery and got a vine for the front wall.  The last time we were there it was bustling with lots of vendors and plants.  For some reason, it was rather quiet and bare this time.  I guess you have to catch it at the right season.  

Shopping can sometimes be a challenge.  Normally, there is someone at the home improvement store who speaks English.  Our timing was off and all of the English speakers were at lunch.  While I was off looking for someone to help, Lisa communicated enough to get them to understand that we wanted the sink.  Then we found out there was no delivery or installation.  The box with all the parts fit in the back seat of the car, and tomorrow Khun Mahn will come and put it together and install it.  

The photo for today is a sight that we see from time to time.  Motorbikes with 'side hacks' are common for carrying everything from ice to rice, cooking gas or trash.  This shot is a man and his wife using it as a sidecar, which is not the safest thing to do, but when has that been a problem?

It's time for Wacky Wednesday.


"As I watched the seagulls, I thought:
That's the road to take.  
Find the absolute rhythm and follow it with absolute trust."
~Nikos Kazantzakis

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