Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Funnies


Hot and rainy was the order of the day, luckily it didn't all happen at the same time.  Blue arrived and everyone, including the dogs, is happy.  

The 'Zany Day' song was "Big John" by Jimmy Dean.  Now it's time for a dreamy ballad on 'Old School Friday'.
"When I want you in my arms, when I want you and all your charms.  Whenever I want you, __ __ __ __ __ __ __."
Clue:  It's by a couple of brothers who were really brothers, singing about something that happens when one is asleep, or sometimes awake.  Hmm.

Last night we went to the airport to pick up Blue.  While we waited for the luggage to be unloaded we could see him, but could not enter the area.  We watched as passengers without luggage met their friends.  We saw two friends coming back from Bangkok and it was another example of life in a 'small town'.  Our vet was one of the people we saw.  Finally, Blue got his bags and we headed for home.  At the house, BamBam started barking until she realized who it was, then she was all smiles.  When Lisa brought Daku out he wanted to get crazy, but he was held back.  This morning he wandered down the hall to see if Blue was awake.  Later this morning BamBam tipped down the hall and managed to make contact.  Our dogs love house guests, and especially Blue.

This morning we drove up the highway to Makro, and Blue was amazed at the growth that is taking place in the area.   It's always fun to be with someone who hasn't been here for a long time because they see things we sometimes take for granted.  Many things are new to Blue that are no longer new to us.  Perspective changes as we ride around town.  This evening we're going to Big C and then to Doi Chaang Coffee.  Tomorrow we'll lunch at Art Bridge and hang out.  

Today's photo was taken at a light on the Super Highway.  It seems that these trash men have the best seats in the house when it comes to picking through the garbage.  I guess it's a perk of the job.  Hmm.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.        Time for a 'Funny'.


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