Tuesday, August 27, 2013



Today's weather could best be described as cloudy with periods of intense sunshine, followed by a 5pm shower.  We lunched at the Plaza (sounds so HiSo), shopped for a sink, and bought flowers for the kitchen garden.  Cool day.

This week's 'Easy Monday' tune got a lot of responses so far.  Here's something from the second movement:
"Friday evening, Sunday in the afternoon, what have you got to lose?  Tuesday morning please be gone, I'm tired of you, what have you got to lose?  Can I tell it like it is?....."  Clue:  The title is in four words.  One is a name and two describe a special attribute of the subject.  Hmm.

This morning we went to Central Plaza for lunch and also to check on my laptop fans.  After dining at Mikey D's, which was a splurge and a break from our usual diet, I stopped at one of the many phone accessory counters.  For some time I have been eyeing a telephoto lens for my iPhone.  I got a demonstration and based on what is available, it's pretty cool and will allow me to capture things far away.  

In Thailand the cell phone systems are not tethered to contracts by the service providers.  You put money on the phone and pay as you go.  When you need more money it's a simple matter of going to a 7-11 or the providers shop and tell them you want to 'top up' your phone.  We did exactly that and then hit the Apple Service Center.  It turns out my fans have to come from Europe and won't be here until Monday.  This means we'll have to put up with my noise machine a little longer.  

There is something about walking into a home improvement store that send the mind racing.  Oh, look at that, we could use that, those are beautiful.  Today we saw the latest in floor and wall tiles.  The images on the tiles are digitally printed and the colors and details are so vivid you just have to have them.  Well, we didn't go nuts today, but some day.  What we did see was a great little sink that will go perfectly in Lisa's studio.  The current one needs to be replaced so it's coming home tomorrow.

This afternoon we stopped by the garden center and picked up three potted, flowering plants to put in the garden in front of the kitchen.  We'll keep them in pots and when they're done it will be easy to replace them with what ever is in season.  This is how many of the colorful landscapes around town are maintained.  The photo for today is from our garden in the back yard.  This is one of many orchids that always comes through with beautiful flowers.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"To seek happiness outside of ourselves,
Is like trying to lasso a cloud.
Happiness is not a thing,
It is a state of mind."
~Omar Khayyam

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