Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Today there was lunch in Marina del Rey, an excursion to Brentwood, a trip to the mall, and hanging out with The Boys.

The 'Easy' song was "Tell Her No" by The Zombies. Seems like a lot of you remembered that song. How about this one: "__ __, walkin' down the street, __ __, the kind I like to meet..." Clue: The irony with this song is that the singer couldn't really see that well. There may have been a movie. Hmm.

While Lisa lunched in the Marina, I went to Brentwood to pick up our tax papers from the accountant. Yes, we still pay taxes. (Ha) I was fortunate enough to get a parking space right in front of the building and there was time on the meter. I love the new meters, with their digital read-out and blinking lights. Too bad it costs so much. In Chiang Rai we can park in the business area for 12 cents.

Later I joined Lisa in the Marina and visited briefly with some friends from the institute where she used to work. Then we went over to Fox Hills Mall (I will always call it that), where I had a salad (yum) and we did some shopping. We cruised the new Target and found some nice things and some necessary things. Then it was off to See's and then Vitamin World. We have to calculate how many of which vitamins and then figure out how many bottles to buy. Whew. It adds weight to the luggage, but some things we just can't get over there.

In the evening C-Bass and I watched the Orange Bowl while Lisa and August played a board game. Mr. Bass, as I sometimes call him, knows a lot about football and did a little side commentating for me. We could tell from the laughter and exclamations, that the board game in the kitchen was lots of fun.

Have a Wacky Wednesday.


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
~Maria Robinson

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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