Friday, July 17, 2020

Friday Funnies


The weather today was almost a carbon copy of yesterday.  Maybe a tiny bit cooler.  

The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune was “The Girl From Ipanema” sung by Astrid Gilberto, featuring Stan Getz.  This is the day we go way back in time.  ‘Old School Friday’ this week may seem like a ‘Zany Day’ song.  “To save my soul I can’t get a date, baby’s got it turned on channel 8.  Now Wyatt Erp and Big Cheyenne, they’re comin’ through the T.V. shootin’ up the land.  Ah…um, my baby loves __ __, my baby love __ __.  Bam, bam, shoot ‘em up pow.  Ah…um my baby loves __ __.”  Hint:  I think it should be obvious.  The old west is involved.

Day two of our adventures with TongDee.  She slept outside in her ‘Den’ last night.  This morning she crept out and ate her breakfast and then retreated back into her sanctuary.  While we were out with JaiDee, Natcha worked her magic and got Tong out of the bush and managed to give her a bath.  It took Natcha pulling from the front, and Gong pushing from the back, but they got her to the driveway.  After her bath they put her in the dog run in the back yard.  I think that’s the first time she’d seen that yard.  Tong slept most of the day.  Sometimes she’d wake up and just take in the scenery, but not much else.  Tonight she has a light over the dog run and the gate is open.  Hopefully she won’t got back to her hideaway in the bushes.

At the same time that TongDee was getting her bath, we stopped by Work@Home to visit JaiDee’s aunt and uncle, Katai and Towan.  Neither seemed to be around and we were just standing in the parking lot when JaiDee made a lunging move.  I turned and it was Towan.  There was immediate recognition and the love-fest had begun.  They were each hugging the other, JaiDee’s tail going very fast, and a big smile on his face.  It took awhile for puppy boy to calm down.  

Today’s photo is the greeting between JaiDee, Towan and Katai.

This extra photo is TongDee yesterday at the entrance to her condo.

The afternoon was pretty mellow.  We got in a nice swim while the dogs were asleep.  After dinner we took JaiDee for his evening walk.  

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.         Time for the ‘Funnies’.   This is another Formula 1 weekend, Zoom.


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