Chiang Rai weather went in and out of looking like a bright, sunny day and a dark, rainy one. It never rained, but was just hot.
The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Sunny” by Bobby Hebb. Here’s a ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune from 1962 that you might know: “Wish I knew why I’m so in love with you, no one in this world will do. Darling, please __ __ __ __ __.”
Hint: It’s from a collaboration between a famous jazz quintet and smooth singer.
TongDee has decided that she likes hanging out on the front porch, the carport, and the back patio. When we returned from coffee this morning, she was standing at the kitchen sink with Natcha, looking out at us. That was a big move. She’d only been in the house once before today. At one point, Natcha went out to the store and when she returned, TongDee was sitting in the driveway waiting for her. JaiDee is a ball of frustration. There is a dog to play with, in his yard, and all he can do is watch. Today was more of the same, although this evening Lisa and Natcha did get them within a foot of each other, being calm, but TongDee was still growling at JaiDee. Progress was made and that’s enough.
Today’s photo is TongDee smiling.
In talking to Cat this evening, we’re getting caught up on local news. Next Monday Thailand will be celebrating Songkran. Schools will be closed and I’m sure water will be flying everywhere. On Tuesday there will be celebrations in honor of The King’s Birthday. There are two more days of Songkran that officials are trying to decide how to observe. It’s a 3 days holiday, and they intend to observe them. Hmm.
Yesterday, Cat had to teach an extra class. Normally, the classes are around 20 students, but the extra class was in a large auditorium, with no microphone and was hoarse all evening. She is getting used to getting up early and going to work, and staying flexible.
The Bangkok Motor Show is up and running, after a delay. They are enforcing strict safety and distancing measures. There were some very glamorous photos of new cars and motorcycles from around the world, along with the ever-present ‘Pretties’, all wearing face shields.
It feels like a Wacky Wednesday. It’s still time to stay safe. There is a ‘Second Wave’ in many parts of the world.
“In a controversy, the instant we feel anger
we have already ceased striving for the truth,
and have begun striving for ourselves.”
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