It was a beautiful day in Chiang Rai. We started out with lots of clouds, but no sight of rain. Daku got a much needed bath and then it sprinkled. That was all the water from the sky. The rest was warm with patches of blue. Last night I actually saw stars in the night sky.
‘Easy Monday’ was “Norwegian Wood” by The Beatles. This week’s ‘Zany Day’ song is pretty crazy. Remember?
“There’s a man in the funny papers we all know (__ __, __, __, __-__). He lived ‘way back a long time ago. He don’t eat nothin’ but a-bear cat stew. Well, this cat’s name is-a __ __….” Clue: This one goes way back in time (555).
One of our latest projects is to create a play area for Neetchanon in the back yard. There is a fenced off area by the back door that used to be used by the dogs. They didn’t like it much and now it’s just waiting for someone to hang out. We went out this morning in search of the foam squares that link together for flooring. We rode up and down the Super Highway without finding the ‘Kid Store’ we’ve seen in the past. We have another section of road to check. She isn’t crawling yet, but it’s only a matter of time. It would be nice for her to be able to be outside and active.
This time of year it seems that fruit is either in town or it’s not; t least when it comes to mangos. Yesterday we couldn’t find any good ones, today they were in abundance. We stopped at Work@Home and had coffee and Katai came down from her office and hung with us. We had a fun time as usual. While thumbing through one of the many car magazines in the shop, I discovered that there is a Lamborghini Club of Thailand. Hmm, I did not know that.
Speaking of Lamborghinis, on our way to Chiang Mai, while winding through the mountains, one came swooping around a curve and both of us said, ‘Oooooo’ at the same time. It was there and then it was gone.
This afternoon we got to spend a lot of time with the baby. We think she’s teething and she’s been a bit fussy, but whenever Daku comes into the room she stops fussing. He’s like the pacifier dog. She spent some time in her little circle chair listening to nursery rhymes while Natcha made lunch. This evening Natcha brought her upstairs to visit. She was preoccupied with Daku and when Natcha put her close enough to pet him, she grabbed his fur. Then she did her favorite thing; she put her face into the fur. He’s becoming more and more tolerant, which is good.
Today’s photos are basically Neetchanon and Daku. The first one is the two of them hanging out. The second is the ‘Face plant’ into the fur.
Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.
"The most valuable possession you can own
is an open heart.
The most powerful weapon you can be
is an instrument of peace.”
~Carlos Santana
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