Chiang Rai has been having hot days, warmer nights, and strong breezes. The breeze thing is good because it’s keeping the air a little cleaner than usual. No rain in sight.
The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Rescue Me” by Fontella Bass. Not many knew it. Time for an ‘Easy Monday’ tune:
“Is there anybody going to listen to my story all about the girl who came to stay? She’s the kind of girl you want so much it makes you sorry, still, I don’t regret a single day. Ah, __, __.” Hint: Title is one word and it’s in the verse. Should be easy for fans of those four guys from across the pond.
In this part of the world El Nino has the opposite affect from what happens in the States. We are in a growing drought mode. There are water shortages in some provinces and the government is asking people not to throw buckets of water during the upcoming Songkran holiday. If you recall, Songkran is when some streets become a giant water-fight. Children and adults of every age get in the street and throw water at each other, moving vehicles, and themselves. Last year there was a move to curb roving pick-up trucks with big drums of water in the back, tossing water on other motorists and pedestrians. The idea of going back to the old custom of just sprinkling a little water may not get much traction among the young. Time will tell. We sure don’t have the water to waste.
The strange construction down the road from us is taking shape and we still can’t tell what it’s going to be. There seems to be a row of little rooms that face into the property, but that’s all we know. It’s a mystery.
At the intersection of our road with the main road we got a big surprise this morning. There had been a two-unit structure that had a small cafe and a coffee shop, but this morning the little building was gone. They must have torn it down on Sunday. We didn’t drive in that direction yesterday so we missed the whole thing.
Today the pool repair people showed up and did a lot of work on restoring the grout. They have another day’s work and they may be done. Now comes the big question: What is the current price of water in light of the drought? We have our suspicions that it may have gone up, but it’s all speculation. This will be interesting.
Yesterday evening we had dinner at Le Meridien with our friends Claire and Stephan. Just as we got there I noticed a group of young monks across the river. The temple has a lot of youngsters and we often see them enjoying free time. In this photo a few are climbing out of the river, while another group is playing football in the distance.
Getting excited about the open-house tomorrow at The Wanderer.
Have a Great Week.
“Sometimes the best reaction
is to not react at all.”