Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Welcome to the rainy season? Today began with the typical overcast sky. Then it started getting hot. Then it got dark and it rained again. We're supposed to have an average of 10 rain days this month, but why are they coming back-to-back?

Well, 'Easy Monday' brought lots of mail. It's one of those songs that can make you smile, or want to dance.
"Whoa! I feel nice, like sugar and spice (repeat) So nice, so nice, I got you. Whoa, __ __ __, I knew that I would..."
Clue: One of the best from the Godfather of Soul. Whoa!

This morning Boot got a call from Rayong telling her that her younger sister was in the hospital. I took her to the bus station to buy a ticket for the 5pm bus. Without a moments notice, everything changed. Boot will probably be gone for a week.

After I returned from the bus station, Lisa and I went to the market to get some fabric. Then it was out to Ghan's house so she can make some blouses and a new cover for the dog's bed. When we finished it was approaching lunch time. Since Boot had to get ready for her trip, we were on our own once again.

Traveling back into town we were weighing the merits of various lunch spot possibilities. We had to consider whether we wanted to eat in heat or the coolness of air-conditioning. We ended up going to Central Plaza for another lunch at S&P. After a really good lunch I spotted a couple from Denmark that I'd met last night. They were checking out the new mall. We talked for a bit and after we went on our separate ways Lisa mentioned that we could give them a ride back to the 'Guest House' where they were staying. Then we started realizing that they could stay with us for the couple of days they'd be in town. After a few phone calls we met them at McDonald's, told them our idea, and met up again at Starbuck's for a real conversation. It looks like they'll come over on Thursday and stay a few days.

As we pulled out of the covered garage at Central it was raining. It was so weird to go into the place with hazy sunshine and come out in rain. It wasn't as intense as Sunday night, but it kept a steady pace for a few hours.

The dogs are sensing that something is different around here. The routine has changed. There's no Boot. BamBam knows that when she spends the evening with us, at some point Boot comes home and she goes to her house. She keeps getting up and going to the door of our bedroom and making her little sound that says: 'Mommy's home, I have to go'. A little later I'll take her to Boot's house and let her sleep there. Life with dogs is an adventure sometimes.

Tomorrow the garden crew is supposed to come and groom the grounds. It's also the day we take Daku for one of his shots. There's also the matter of feeding ourselves and preparing for house guests. Things will be busy around here.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"The answers don't come before the question.
Ask the question."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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