Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Funnies


It was a Friday of arrivals. First it was the rain, then the garden crew, followed by the air/con crew, and later Napa. A busy day without leaving home. Hmm.

So, we've been humming "Roxanne" by The Police, and some of us have the image of Eddie Murphy in a jail cell with headphones on screaming the song. 'Easy Week' draws to a close with one that everyone should know, I hope:
"__ __ __ __, but I did not shoot the deputy..." Clues: It's an admission of guilt, by a singer who is now a legend around the world. It was made famous by a guitarist who some say is cream of the crop. Just to make it hard, give me the original singer/writer and the artist who made the song famous.

When we woke up this morning it was raining. Not a heavy rain, but light and steady. I assumed, of course, that the garden crew would not be coming. Wrong! What's a little rain when there's work to be done. They showed up at 9am and started in on the weeding and grooming. I was certain that the air/con guys would cancel since a big part of the work is outside, on the roof. Well, they arrived a half an hour early. They looked at the job, we walked around the house and they decided to come back when the roof was dry. I knew that would happen. It's fine, since the weather is cooling with the rain, but we still want it done soon.

The grooming of the yards takes a crew of 6 to 7 workers all day. Today they left around 6pm. We decided that the next time they're scheduled to come we're going to plan a day trip of some kind. The noise level gets a little intense at times with several machines going at the same time. It would be a nice break and a way to visit new parts of the area. Besides, when we get the new car, it will be fun to travel. Hmm.

Napa arrived on time, but this week has been a little different since her mom is not with her. She speaks no English and without Ty to translate some things, the teaching gets difficult. I'll just say that today's lesson was rough on Lisa and was not what she'd planned.

The dogs didn't like the fact that they couldn't have their yard when they wanted it. When they had to go out, it was on leashes since they tend to want to visit with the workers too much. I took Daku out this evening on his leash and we ran. He realized he could take the leash in his mouth and 'run' me. We had to have a little lesson about that. It looks cute when dogs carry their leashes in their mouths but it's not a doggie toy. It's a control device and I intend to maintain control. Daku is going to be way too big to be in control of me. (Ha)

It's time for the 'Funnies'. These are from Cousin Trudye. Have a Mellow WeekEnd.


A little boy went to his father and asked: 'Dad, where did my intelligence come from?'
The father replied: 'Well son, you must have got it from your mother 'cause I still have mine.'
A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, 'Can you tell me how long it will take to fly from San Francisco to New York City?'
The agent replies, 'Just a minute.' 'Thank you', the blonde says, and hangs up.
'Mr. Clark, I have reviewed this case very carefully', the divorce court judge said, 'And I've decided to give your wife $775 a week.'
'That's fair your honor, and every now and then I'll try to send her a few bucks myself.'

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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