Thursday, January 31, 2008


A big thank you to all who wrote and sent good thoughts about not feeling so good. Well, today I'm better. I think I've fought off the worst of it. Here's one for the greeting card makers. Supat was over yesterday and Lisa wrote a little get well card for Boot. Supat's translation: "Finish sick quick". I love it.
It would appear that my friend Paul is the only one who knows the song. I know that couldn't be true. Huh?
"__ __ __ __ __ __, but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red, crying's not for me, 'cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin', because I'm free, nothing's worryin' me." Clue: Singer's first name is two initials, what falls from the sky?
It rained again today. Off and on, but still rain. We've finished with our tile selections and now it's on to porch tiles. They're a different animal. We have time on this, so we'll concentrate on bathroom fixtures. It seems that showers are the preference here and there's not much choice (at least where we've looked so far) for bathtub stuff. Oh, they sell tubs, but the rest is unclear.
Did you know that vehicles sold here don't have heaters? It seems to be true. Not that we're needing one, but I just found it interesting. The a/c works real good and is either off or on. Can't seem to get 'just plain air'. Oh well. I imagine that the newer, more sophisticated rides have more options. At this point, we're just grateful for the independence our little truck gives us. Speaking of that, I'm also getting a handle on driving 'Thai Style'. I think I've mentioned that people drive a lot closer than in the States. It's a little unnerving at first, but knowing that they don't want to hit you helps a little. There's also the thing about turning left on red lights. They don't always stop before making the turn. It's a flow thing that has me a little edgy. I paused at a corner yesterday and got honked at. 'Just drive on out there' was the sense I got. I held my ground and went when I considered it safe. What's really a trip is the fact that there are no 'traffic cops' per say. Not that I want to see any crack down or anything, but it's like everyone just does the best they can and hopes for the best. Hmm.
With Boot out for the rest of the week, we had to go out for food today. (poor kids) First, we went over to the market place, to 'the chicken guy'. Then it was off to Tops for other food items. I don't usually shop for the meal basics, so it was an adventure. We told Boot to stay in bed for the rest of the week. We had to assure her that we knew how to take care of ourselves. (5)
Stay warm and have a Stupendous Thursday.


"Every action of our lives touches on some chord
that will vibrate in eternity."
~Edwin Hubbel Chapin

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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