The weather today was very pleasant. There were streaky white clouds against a blue sky, and not in my imagination. Things are growing as a result of the rains, it’s time to cut the lawns.
“Young man, there’s a place you can go. I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough. You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find many ways to have a good time. It’s fun to stay at the __.__.__.__., it’s fun to stay at the __.__.__.__. They have everything for young men to enjoy, you can hang out with all the boys…” Clue: The title is the initials of a very old institution. The group is a costumed collection of traditional professions.
The new rules have been published and it will take a while to really understand them. It looks like starting Sunday, May 3, malls, some restaurants, and places large enough to practice ‘social distancing’ may be allowed to open. Travel within the country is still restricted. Now that other countries are allowing their citizens to return home, flights out of Thailand will get busier. What's really interesting is the rule that no domestic flights can serve food or drink. What? Chiang Rai to Bangkok is about 1 hour, and the idea of no water is not going to sit well. We can do without the box lunches they serve, but no drinks?
We spent another quiet day at home. Most of the activity centered around the dog of the house. JaiDee is pretty much under constant surveillance, so that’s our day, except when he’s sleeping. There was a toy he didn’t get at first, but now really loves. It’s a stuffed skunk on the end of a string that’s attached to a pole. You wave it around in a circle (trying not to get dizzy) and he chases it. He’s very good at it, sometimes tricking the operator and cutting across the circle to attack the skunk by surprise.
Today’s photo shows JaiDee chasing the skunk.
There is a new (to us) application for creating and posting videos called ‘Tik Tok’ and it appears to be taking the world by storm. Nitchanan has some videos that Natcha made of her dancing to pre-recorded music that are just too cute. People lip-sync to songs, spoken word, etc. It produces some real silly stuff that’s perfect for those who have cabin fever.
Have a Thrilling Thursday.
“In a gentle way, you can
shake the world.”
~Mahatma Gandhi