Tuesday, April 1, 2014



Chiang Rai and other northern provinces are having a tough time with the 'bad air'.  More and more people are wearing some kind of mask to try and filter the air, while many are just staying out of it.  At the same time, there are folks out there going about their daily routine like nothing is wrong.  Hmm, clearly, there is a lack of understanding as to what's going on.  Rain is expected sometime this weekend.  

It looks like only a few of you picked up on the vibe of this 'Easy Monday' song.  Maybe now you can remember:
"Close my eyes, she's somehow closer now.  Softly smile, I know she must be kind.  When I look in her eyes, she goes with me to a blossom world.  I'm pickin' up __ __, she's givin' me excitations...."  Hint:  The group that sang this tune liked sand, surf, cars and sunflowers.  What happens when you pluck a guitar string?

This morning we decided to stop at Art Bridge for coffee on our way to Makro, which is just across the highway.  It was nice to be there with no one but the staff around.  We had our coffee and then spent time looking at the artwork from the children's workshop.  It was interesting to see how some of the kids had a real connection to one of the six mediums they worked in.  Some did well with the flower, while others were very creative doing their self-portraits.  I hope they continue to explore the world of art.  In the main gallery we spent time looking at some of the works we had seen before, and discovering new ones.  It was a very satisfying adventure.

Rolling down the Super Highway after our Makro run, we found ourselves next to a large truck with an interesting graphic on the drivers-side window.  In fact, the whole truck was interesting.  See for yourself in today's photo.

Riding around in Chiang Rai always gives me a new perspective on life here.  Today we saw a man with his son and daughter, riding on their motorbike.  The girl was holding fishing poles and it struck me that we live in a place where going fishing is just a matter of going down to the river, or to a nearby bridge.  I imagined that since school is out, this dad decided to take the kids fishing.  My head goes to places like that sometimes.  Growing up, it was a long way to go for a fishing trip.  

My new 'toy' has me relearning old songs with different ears, thinking of ways to add the drama of 'background singers' to the performance.  It's both challenging and fun.  I have no idea where it's all going, but that's kind of the point right now.  I'm doing it and that's what matters.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"When there's gratitude in you heart,
Life becomes brighter."

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