Today we continued to make progress, gaining more strength and doing more stuff around the house. The dogs are happy about that. This afternoon we had company and learned a few things.
The 'Zany Day' song was "Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)." by The First Edition. The lead singer was Kenny Rogers. The rest is history. Ming wrote that 'apparently' Jimi Hendrix listed this as one of his all time favorite songs. Hmm. Now it's time for some 'Old School Friday' and something I'm sure you know:
"Sometimes I'm right, then I can be wrong. My own beliefs are in my song. A butcher, a banker, a drummer and then. Makes no difference what group I'm in. I am __ __." Clue: This was no ordinary family.
Lately, the mornings have been almost cool. It's a nice change, even though it doesn't last. The days are still very warm, even with the afternoon breeze. The dogs have more energy on the cool mornings so it was good to get out with them today. Daku was in rare form and BamBam was her usual, running self.
Rudi left on a 5 day motorcycle ride with his club. They will ride through some National Parks, scenic valleys, and end up near the border crossing at Laos. He started telling me where they were going and my mind just fogged over. It happens every time people assume I have a Thai map in my head. I guess I just don't have a head for geography, unless it's local travel for survival (555).
Our friend Sutheera came over late this afternoon. She brought a document having to do with some property that is being purchased near us. The buyers want to verify the size of our land, or something. She also wanted to invite us to a wedding in December. This led to a long conversation about the nature of such a wedding and just what takes place. We learned that it's really going to be a party, and that the legal business is handled at an office downtown. There is no ceremony, just speeches about the bride and groom by someone with a bit of celebrity and a sit-down dinner.
We considered the idea of having neighbors and worked up a whole presentation about 'The Hood'. It's all about how peaceful and quiet it is around here. With the exception of: The Temple speakers, the Village speakers, the Church PA, the drum corp at the school, the concerts across the river, and the 10 dogs that roam the village barking and howling. Yep, nice place to build. Maybe we should hire the mob from our old neighborhood to come over give them an idea of real 'village life'. Here they are, direct from the archives:
Cat called this evening to say that she'll be returning tomorrow afternoon. Sunday she leaves again, on a bus trip to Bangkok. She's a very busy young woman these days. Not much idle time in her vacation.
Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. It's time for the 'Funnies'.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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