Well, day three of whatever I have and things may be getting better. Temps are hovering around normal. Don't have any other 'dangerous' symptoms, so now it's about lots of water and not rushing things. Our 'Farmer in the Dell' almost smoked us out today, and the dogs are staying close.
The 'Zany Day' song was "School Boy Crush" by Average White Band. Now, for an 'Old School Friday' tune you know.
"It's not the way you smile that touched my heart. It's not the way you kissed that tears me apart. Many, many, many nights go by. I sit alone at home and cry over you. What can I do? Don't want nobody, nobody, 'cause __, __ __."
Clue: This song has had popular covers, but Extra Cool Points if you tell me the 'Girl Group' that had the original hit. The title is a declaration of sorts.
Today was another day spent in the house. Our TV service provider, True, reshuffled the channels recently and now we have an HD Tennis channel. The Chinese Open is going on and that has been a companion. The only problem is, at a certain point it puts me to sleep. That's the good thing about having the DVR. Pause, sleep, continue (555).
The farmer behind us lit up some giant piles of rubbish today, closer to the house and it was pretty bad. Our air filter machine came to our rescue, but it was still quite an intrusion. I wonder how this affects his health, standing right next to his burning piles of corn waste, smoke billowing around him. It can't be good. The theory among many is that the ashes are good for the soil, and the next crop. Hmm, no real scientific proof of this. I would think it would be the complete opposite. Hmm, can't change a culture overnight.
We have one actual neighbor, the big house next door. I had not seen the husband in weeks and today we learned why. Like something out of the past, Boot was talking to the housekeeper over the fence and discovered that he has moved away to be with his new, younger 'wife' and they're having a baby. Now we know. I just wish he would come and get his barking, pigmy deer that are caged up near the front gate. I feel sorry for them since they are living an unnatural life; worse than a zoo.
Today's photo is from Lisa's exhibit in Chiang Mai. She took some shots of the dancers for later reference. This is a classic pose.
Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. Prepare to laugh.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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