Thursday, March 7, 2013



A little morning rain did not stop the show today.  We had another busy, fun day in town and up north at the Golden Triangle.  We capped it off with a mellow massage and fire in the sky.

So, a bunch of you knew the 'Zany Day' song.   Here's the second verse just in case you need a little help:
"Come some of the work gets kinda hard.  This ain't no place to be if you planned on bein' a star.  Let me tell you it's always cool, and the boss don't mind sometimes if you act a fool, at the __ __.  Talking about the __ __, yeah...."
Hint:  The artist's name is comprised of a flower and an expensive luxury car.  Hmm.

This morning we took Bruce and Danielle to the downtown market (Talat) to get the 'flavor' of Thai shopping.  We didn't see everything, but we sampled some treats, and cruised the gold and earring shops.  There were many photo ops, including a temple and fresh vegetables on the street.  

After picking up their tickets for the Sunday trip to Chiang Mai, we headed north to The Golden Triangle.  The countryside looked great after the morning showers.  Traffic was light and we arrived just in time for lunch.  We made a note to stop at the ruins in Chiang Saen for photos.  We had a great lunch at a little place we like and then began being real tourists.  We took photos of the MaeKong River, various views of Laos across the river, and the giant golden Buddha.  In the middle of taking photos a group of people who had just arrived from Burma asked to pose with Bruce and Danielle.  It appeared to be a family outing and they were very animated.  We all had fun and every time we saw them later, we got a big smile.  There was some light shopping and then we drove up a hill to the look-out point where you can see both Burma and Laos.

  Burma on the left, Laos on the right.  New hats on our heads.

In Chiang Saen, Bruce got some great photos of the old wall that protected the city hundreds of years ago.  There is a protected park area where there is a temple from the 1200s.  Great care has been taken to preserve this part of the history of Northern Thailand.

On the way back to Chiang Rai we stopped at Maefarluang University to see part of the campus.  The landscaping is beautiful.  We just drove through part of it since we didn't want to be late for our massage.

Back in Chiang Rai we went to Arisara Massage for a traditional Thai massage.  It was just what we all needed, and for us it was nice to see some of the staff we know from the past.  

After dinner we went out on the front lawn and sent some lanterns into the night sky.  That's always fun and a little humbling, watching the fire build inside and then carry the paper 'balloon' into the darkness.  We kept an eye on each one until they burned out.  It was a wonderful way to end the day.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"A good idea will keep you awake during the morning,
but  a great idea will keep you awake during the night."
~Marilyn Vos Savant

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