Monday, March 23, 2020



Over the weekend we had some thunder, a little rain (but not for us) and more hot, nasty air.  So, nothing out of the ordinary.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Got To Get You Into My Life” by The Beatles.  It was covered by Earth, Wind & Fire.   Time for ‘Easy Monday’.  This song begins with a long intro.  I’ll give you a little bit and then move on.  “(Tweedle-lee-dee-dee-dee, Tweedle-lee-dee-dee x 3) (Tweet x 4)  He rocks in the tree tops all day long, hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and a-singin’ his song.  All the little birds on Jaybird Street, love to hear the __ go tweet, tweet, tweet.  __ __, (tweet x 3) __ __ (tweet, tweedle-lee-dee).  Go __ __ ‘cause we’re really gonna rock tonight."

More cases of the Covid-19 virus have been discovered in the Bangkok area, and it appears to be moving north.  Thousands of people, according to the Bangkok Post, are taking buses in an attempt to flee the big city.  Many are going to home provinces and others are heading to border communities in hopes of leaving the country before the borders are closed.  Chiang Rai doesn’t have a local way of reporting to the public when the virus is found.  This means that we really have no idea what’s going on.  We do know that many shop and business owners are following the lead taken in larger cities and in other countries.  The Wanderer and Chivit Thamma Da are both closed.  Now that tells me things are getting real close to home.  People are starting to get it, that this thing is not going away soon and it’s all over the country.  

This morning we took JaiDee to the vet for the neutering ‘procedure’ and he will come home tomorrow.  There was a lot less traffic this morning.  On our way home, we discovered that the main road by the military base, the ‘storm drain project’, is finally finished.  In that one respect, life is returning to normal.  The detours have been adding a lot of time  to most trips into town.  

The ‘new normal’, being at home all day, is not that new for us.  Except for coffee runs and occasional grocery outings, we mainly stay at home.  Those special occasions that used to have us busy in the streets are now a thing of the past.  The opening at ArtBridge was cancelled, and I’m sure many more things won’t happen.  

Today’s photo was taken from the upstairs window looking out on the back yard of the coffee shop next door.  They have a vegetable garden that is expanding on a weekly basis.  Each section is something new for the meals they serve.  The picture is a little dull due to the bad air.

Lisa and Natcha were talking this evening and Natcha told her that in addition to the suggested safety precautions, they wash their money.  Actually, Gong washes it.  He’s been doing that even before the virus outbreak.  It’s comforting to know that they are being careful too.

A sign of the times:  Watching a sports channel and realizing that it was filmed since the virus.  We’ve watched tennis, snooker and volleyball with no audience present.  Hmm.

Have a Great Week.


“There is nothing more uncommon
than common sense.”
~Frank Lloyd Wright

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