Tuesday, December 18, 2018



We woke up to cloudy, looks like it’s going to rain weather.  The afternoon is bright sunshine with occasional clouds.  It’s a pattern we’re getting used to.

Even though we’re in a wintery mix around the world in the northern hemisphere, ‘Easy Monday’ can put you in an opposite mood:  “See the paper layin’ on the sidewalk, a little music from the house next door.  So I walked on  up to the doorstep, through the screen and across the floor.  __ __, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind…..”  Clue:  The moving air brings on a tranquil, laid-back vibe.  Oh, and it’s not a winter thing.

This morning we went to Overbrook Hospital/Clinic so Lisa could begin a three day series of physical therapy.  That meant listening to the doctor say things he’d said before, contradict other statements, and leave us in a partial state of confusion.  She enjoyed the P/T and learned that her technician plays Thai ‘Kick Volleyball’.  Unless one gets a very early start, there is no way to do the clinic and not blow the whole morning.  The next session will begin at 8am, giving us some time to get other things done.  

We have 5 days until blast off.  The making of lists has begun.  There are things to get done, things to get, things to remember to put on lists, there are things to remember to take, and things to order to bring back.  This can get very complicated.  Hmm.

One of the interesting things we learned in our early days in Chiang Rai is the fact that people go by their first names.  The explanation for this was explain by our driver at the time.  He said that so many last names were so long and difficult to pronounce, that it became acceptable to just use the first name.    Even with first names, it’s sometimes tricky, and so there are ‘play names’.  These range from 1 to 2 syllable words that may not be a name at all.  There are animals, verbs, fruit, candy, coffees, etc.  I think you get the point.  There are also some very beautiful Thai names that are not hard to pronounce, and add to the soundscape.  At the hospital, the nurses have to say the whole name when calling a patient to see a doctor or pay a bill.  It quickly become clear that they must go through some training in ‘seeing’ the names in a pronounceable way, and quickly. 

Sunday’s play-date produced some cute photos of Daku and Thoval (actual spelling, pronounced Towan).  Daku was trying to get a game started.

Our abilities to move forward are amazing us.  What was looking like an impossible journey to a far away land is becoming quite doable.  It’s taking a lot longer for some things, but we’re moving in hope.  Some stuff may not happen the way we’d like it to, but new things will appear.  

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“However many holy words 
you may read, however many you
speak, what good will they do you
if you do not act upon them?

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