Thursday, February 22, 2018



The days are getting warmer.  By ‘days’, I mean the whole thing, from early morning to evening, it’s all getting warmer.  You know what that means?  It means that in a week or so everyone will be talking about how hot it is (555).  I’m quite OK with it.

It’s nice when a ‘Zany Day’ song has friends on the first day.  So it is with this tune.  Let me know if you remember.
“My folks were always putting him down (down, down).  They said he came from the wrong side of town (whatcha mean when ya say that he came from the wrong side of town?)  They told me he was bad, but I knew he was sad.  That’s why I fell for __ __ __ __ __.”

This morning Daku was on the lookout for his new friend.  Chopper came out during the time when we run Daku and it was their first real play time.  Chopper followed Daku around the yard and even managed to run all the way across the lawn, once.  After that, he’d stop half-way and wait for his big friend to return.  They would both pounce at each other, make little circles, and make sure the other was chasing them.  Chopper would chew on Daku’s ear, or his tail and Daku just let him.  They have bonded and it has us all very distracted.  They’re so much fun to watch.
I think Neechanon is the only one who is not totally taken by their play.  This afternoon while Natcha was cooking, Daku was ‘baby-sitting’ Chopper.  Neechanon was working her special phone, singing songs and watching counting videos.  Her biggest involvement was fussing when Daku’s tail hit her in the face.  

We had our mid-morning coffee at Chivit Tamma Da, relaxing by the river.  The air was clear and the mood was quiet.  A perfect way to prepare for the Super Highway just around the corner.  We’re becoming ‘regulars’ at Browney Pet World.  Since it was impossible to wash Daku’s bed, we got him a new one.   It wasn’t until we were far from the store that Lisa realized the bright orange cushions would clash with our bed-spread.  Hmm, a new spread is easier than getting another bed for ‘The King’.  This one is rather regal.  There’s a lady in the Big Market that can whip out a new spread in a couple of days.  

The big dog news today was that Daku barked, twice.  He literally hasn’t barked in years.  He heard Chopper yelping and barked in concern.  This is a good thing.  Maybe they were communicating.  Hmm.  We await more barks.

Thanks to the new VPN and the Canadian Broadcasting Company, we’re watching the Olympics when we can and getting to see them without commercials as well.  Today I connected my laptop to the TV, so now we have a nice big picture of snow and ice (555).

Today’s photo is called ‘Let’s Play’.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“In order to carry a positive
action, we must develop a
positive vision.”
~The Dalai Lama

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