I believe we experienced the ‘Storm of the Year’ on Saturday night. Major thunder and lightning and more wind and water than I’ve seen in a long time. The Night Bazaar flooded and most merchants had to close up and go home. It was no ‘Harvey’, but this little town was buzzing about it the next day.
The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Cry Me A River” by Julie London, Ella Fitzgerald, Joe Cocker, just to name a few.
That means it’s ‘Easy Monday’ time. I think you know this one. Sing the chorus everywhere you go (555).
“There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done. Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung. Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game, it’s easy… __ __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __ __…” Hint: Fab Four, 1967, easy.
Saturday we had a list of things to do and places to go. The morning went well enough, Big C, coffee and fruit under cloudy skies. In the afternoon we decided to go to the mall to have some prints made. We forgot that it was the first Saturday of the month until we arrived to a huge line waiting to get into the parking area. We turned around and went home. Later, our plans to go to an ArtBridge opening were set aside. I think we were feeling the workout from Friday. It turns out we were right to stay home. About the time we would have been going to the opening, the thunder and lightning began and shortly after that, the storm hit. I was just settling in to watch the Formula One qualifying when the TV went out. The wind probably moved the dish. It’s still out and as a result, we missed the race, and all the tennis from the U.S. Open. Oh well.
Our Sunday was a different story. We had lunch with our friend Atom at The Wanderer, and celebrated her birthday. After lunch we went back to the mall for another try. It was just as crowded looking as the day before. This time we had no option but to forge ahead. Using an alternate entrance, we got on the lot and found a place to park. Inside, it was curious as to where all the occupants of all the cars could be. I guess between the restaurants, multiplex theater, and the shops there were plenty of places for them to hide from my survey (555).
In the afternoon we went to a ‘Farewell Party’ for our friend Sandy and Ady. Cat came with us on our adventure to Chivit Tamma Da. The party was a private affair in a newly opened part of the restaurant. We sat on a long balcony with a river view and reconnected with people we’ve met through Sandy and Ady. We also made some new friends. We’ve had some great times together and will miss them when they leave for Capetown, So. Africa. One topic of conversation was the special way one gets to the restrooms. The main portion of the upstairs is like an English pub/library, with a pool table and bookshelves, etc. Today’s photos show you the clever way they concealed the doorway.
In the evening, we dined at Sawadee Restaurant. After dinner, strolling through the aisles of the Night Bazaar the story of the Saturday storm was told in different ways, but telling the same tale. It rained hard, blew things around and it was not a night to be out. Fortunately, the water drained off quickly overnight and it was business as usual the next day.
Just so you know, we went back to Lisa’s ‘gym’ this morning for another workout. The key to this is knowing one’s limitations and not getting hurt. We did good today. She added some new exercises to our list and there will probably be new aches in the morning. It does feel good to work the body. We went for a relaxing dip in the pool before the afternoon winds.
Have a Great Week.
“Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences,
penetrates walls to arrive at its
destination full of hope.”
~Maya Angelou
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