If all of the weather forecasts are correct, the rain is over and we're into the hot season. Duh. The pool is warming at a rate of 2 degrees per day. Time to break out the 'cool' clothes.
Congratulations to those who knew the first 'Bad Ass Bass' song. It was "For Once In My Life" as sung by Stevie Wonder. The bass player on the session was James Jamerson and he never played the same two bars through the recording. Listen to it again and pay attention to the 'bottom'. It is now time for 'Old School Friday' and a song that goes way back. The following lyrics are from a 'modern' version of this classic blues: "I went down to the __, fell down on my knees. Down to the __, fell down on my knees. Asked the Lord above for mercy, 'Save me if you please'." Hint: The hint is that this is way too easy. The various stories surrounding this song are legendary. The original version is from the deep South, while the 'modern' hit version came from England.
This morning we went to Big C for supplies. An early start to the day made it much easier. We're still noticing certain items that are either not on the shelves or are finally returning after the flood. Today our favorite brand of brown rice was back in stock, but the black tea beverage that I like is still not around. While we were at the check-out counter a little boy and his mom came walking by. He took a direct interest in me and came over for a closer look. For a moment we just stood there staring at each other. His parents got a kick out of the whole thing, and so did I.
This evening we went to the Night Bazaar for a quick visit. We had a few things that were being 'Wrapped' by Khun Thoo (pronounced too). He and his fiancee make original jewelry using stone, wood, and rubberized nylon. Amazing stuff that is hard to resist. I usually have him wrap antique amulets. This time I gave him a Recovery coin and it came out great.
The weekend is getting busy. Tomorrow night we're going to 9 Art Gallery for an informal opening of a show featuring Sompong, the co-owner of the gallery, and Khun Bob who is an expat from Canada and a good friend. It should be an evening of art and interesting conversation. We always learn a lot listening to Sompong relate the cultural aspects of his art.
Sunday morning Khun Sing will pick us up in his Tuk-Tuk and take us to the bus station. We'll arrive in Chiang Mai around mid-day. The 'Encore Reception' is at 4pm so we'll have a chance to hang out a bit before going to the gallery. It will be nice to go to Chiang Mai without driving for three hours.
Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. Now it's time for the 'Funnies', sent in by Cousin Eunice.
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