Thursday, March 12, 2009



Today was one of those days. There were calamities with plumbing, lighting and the lawyer. We took an unexpected road trip and almost had to climb the gate to get home. What?

A few of you knew the song. Maybe today's clues will help jog your memory. It's a song created by a machine that's not really a machine. Read on: "And before you break my heart in two, there's something I've been trying to say to you, But the __ __ __ __ __, there's so much I want to say..." Clue: Key word in the title is about communication. It's by a group from the south of the Sunshine State and there's usually more rhythm in their work. Female lead went on to have quite a solo career.

We have been in a state of limbo trying to finalize what is called a 'House Book'. Khun Preecha, our attorney, has been helping with the paper work but ran into a snag with immigration. Something about them needing to see our original passports. After a conversation around lunch time it was determined that we'd have to go to Mae Sai and present our passports. We'd go after lunch.

Right after lunch we discovered that the kitchen sink was clogged up. I put on my 'handyman' face and went under the sink. I unscrewed some pipes and the water flowed from the sink. Hmm, guess that wasn't the problem. We left Boot with the idea that she should call the real handyman while we were gone. As we were leaving we noticed a yellow truck from the power company outside our wall. There were a bunch of men standing around and we just figured they were on a break. That would later prove to be partly true.

Our trip to Mae Sai was fast and uneventful. When we got to immigration we finally got things sorted out and the friendly agent told us he'd send the proper papers to the office in Chiang Rai. Back on the road for the trip home. It was all working out on schedule. Lisa was to teach Napa at 4:30 and we had time to spare.

When we arrived at the house I pressed the button on the remote to open the gate and nothing happened. First thought was that the battery on the remote was dead. Blue rang the doorbell to our house as well as Boot's but got no response. I called Boot and she went to open the gate from inside. Nothing happened. Hmm. Finally Boot told us that there was no electricity. It didn't actually come out like that but we got the message. I told her to come out to the gate so she could unlock the motor on the gate. I climbed up on the gate, gave her the special key and directions and the gate was finally opened manually.

There was no power in the house. First thought was, cancel the ballet lesson since there was no air/con or fans. We got that settled and then had Boot call the power company. They said it might be on in a half hour. There had been some tree trimming and you can guess what happened. We got power in about 15 minutes and life slowly began to return to normal.

That was our day. A bit of this and a bit of that. In the end everything worked out. Life in Chiang Rai is never dull. (Ha)

Have a Smooth Thursday.



"Choosing to live your life by your own choice is the greatest freedom you will ever have." ~Shad Helmstetter

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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