Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Today we stayed on the compound. There was art and art work, ballet in the afternoon, and I started a three-day birthday marathon.
As usual, day two brought lots of responses on the song. Nothing like those little underscores to focus you on the title. The song was "My Best Friend's Girl" by The Cars. Now try this one: "__ __ __ __, and we'll have everything. We'll share the joy, falling in love can bring..." Clue: See I've given you the little lines on day one. That means you should have an easier time with this. (Ha) It's a female singer with a male back-up group from '63 and it's a love song.
Miss BamBam woke us up again this morning. She wakes up early and that naturally means that it's time to begin playing and eating and tasting. Well, not tomorrow. We told Boot to keep her downstairs until we get up. The morning was kind of lazy due to restless sleep on my part and a cloudy day outside. It really looked like it could rain but it didn't. Anyway, after lunch and a rest period, Lisa did some work on a new painting and I worked on the 'Art Bags'. It felt good to be productive.
Late afternoon saw the dining room turn into a dance studio of sorts. Napa and Tay arrived for Napa's ballet lesson. She's very bright and catches on quick. Even though it's not a formal teaching environment, she works hard.
You're probably wondering how I can possibly get away with a three-day marathon. It's simple. February 12 is my birthday. I will be busy tomorrow evening so we celebrated with a dinner this evening. Tomorrow is the actual day, which will be celebrated here. Friday in Thailand will be Thursday, the 12th in America, where I was actually born. Now you see how I've turned the time warp to my advantage. It's fun and confusing at the same time. This one makes it number 66. Simply amazed in Thailand.
For tonight's dinner we went to the restaurant that Johan took us to a few weeks ago. Boot, Lisa and I waded through the menu and we searched for a dish we had before. We found some things we could eat and Boot ordered for herself, in Thai. When the food came, we had two shrimp dishes and a green vegetable plate. When we asked Boot what she had ordered, she said she didn't know how to tell us in English. After some discussion and a reference to farmers and fields we got it down to an insect. A little later in the meal Lisa asked her if it was grasshopper and she said it was. No, we didn't taste it. It was offered but we declined. Hmm, maybe next time.
With that on your mind I'll leave you to a Wacky Wednesday.


"Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time;
hatred ceases by love.
This is an unalterable law."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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