Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today was a day of observation and revelation. It was laid-back yet full. It rained on the house, but not where we were. If all that sounds rather mysterious, read on.
"Lost control and rang your bell, I was sore. Let me in or else I'll beat down your door. Then two strangers who have been two __ on the shade said to my shock "you're on the wrong block" Clue: You already got it. I'll be watching my mail to see who's paying attention.
This was the day we decided to go to see Tay (pronounced Tdie), who owns a beauty salon. Boot led us there on her bike, with BamBam riding on the floor board. At first that was a little hard to watch, but we got used to it. So now she's a 'biker'. Anyway, it turns out that Tay doesn't actually do any hair, she's the boss and she dresses up and visits with the clients. She is quite an entrepreneur, and according to Boot, can sell anything. It was a very beautiful shop-house with very comfortable furnishings and decorations. What was really cool was watching the Thai TV channel they had on, and checking out the videos. There was a food show that had West Coast Hip Hop playing in the background. More on that later.
The whole time we were at Tay's, the weather was mostly sunny, with occasional clouds. We were about ten minutes from our house. When we returned home, about three hours later, we found that it had rained. Love that tropical weather.
While we were out, Johan and his crew started rebuilding the pool pump room, as it's called. We have discovered that more things were wrong with what we got. I won't go into detail, but I'll just say that I'm glad we're getting things done right by someone who knows how to do it right. Oh, and most of the water got pumped out of the pool today, so there will be no swimming until the weekend. Oh well, we'll be gone for two days so it may not be so bad.
I have been very fascinated by the 'funk' of Isaan music. This is the Northeastern area of Thailand and has it's own distinct culture. The music from the region has a swing to it that makes me smile. I have come to the conclusion that this is why Western funk and hip hop seem to have meshed into Thai culture the way they have. I mean, can you imagine a hard core rap track as the background music for cooking with Martha? I don't think so. I'm no musicologist (actually I am) but it fits and I plan to listen more and delve into this. Very interesting.
Tomorrow we take an early (9:15am) bus to Chiang Mai. I'll write to you from there. Have a Happy Tuesday.


"The day the child realizes that all adults
are imperfect he becomes an adolescent;
the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult;
the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise."
~Aiden Nowlan

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style


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