Tuesday, September 4, 2007


"Think of me, You know that I'd be with you if I could. I'll come around to see you once in a while, Or if I ever need a reason to smile. And spend the night if you think I should..." Clue: The title is only sung in the first line of the song. Very polite 'I want you back' song by TR. You gotta remember.
Now that the song is dealt with, how you doin'? We've been hearing about the heat wave. Bad deal. We had rain today (Tuesday). It sprinkled late Monday night and during today, but tonight it dumped. We went out to dinner with Jen and all three sons, to the Garden Shrimp spot. We had another feast with many courses, all delicious. During dinner the rain came. There we were, sitting outside under an awing watching lightning flash and rain hit the big pond.
We've been Skyping a bunch. We talked to Jeff, Anna and August today, and yesterday we talked to my mom. Sunday Lisa had her second weekly talk with her dad over the internet. It's the coolest, and our contact list is growing.
I've come to the conclusion that anything is possible/probable in LOS. I have to not be so surprised by the outrageous or odd. Like today when we approached a corner and a guy came by on a motorbike, on the sidewalk. I suppose that's not as bad as the elephant on the sidewalk in Bangkok back in '01. Another thing that's taking getting used to is the smiles that seem our of place. Like when the bank manager was telling us we couldn't have an ATM card, with a smile on his face. And then telling us that we couldn't open a second account because of a new ruling, still smiling.
During the rain, people were riding their motorbikes while holding umbrellas. Hmm. It's been nine months since we were here and things have changed around our 'strip'. The beautiful Doi Chaang coffee house, with the natural funiture, has closed. We've been moving about differently this time. There's no need to rush to try and do everything at once. Plenty of time to take it all in, and there's a lot to take in.
Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Perseverance is the ability to follow through on an idea long after the mood has passed."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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